Your Character, Beliefs & Coaching
Character and Values are interwoven in the fabric of our Lives.
When I offer Character-based Coaching, that is my own Character expressed through my work and your Character in focus.
For my part that is another inspiring reason why I put so much emphasis on Quality and Evolution, because I want to be always at my best whenever I help build a part of someone's Path.
Focusing on Character is also a key aspect, because I do deeply believe that it is our Character (in essence what you think, say and do in alignment and with Integrity) that defines the Leader we are and the quality of our Leadership.
I am inviting you to contemplate about your own Character. I'd love to provide some extra Inspiration for that.
What I realised in this time that I took to concentrate on my own Path-finding and accelerate my Personal Evolution, that you can read and research things that are of specific interest to you and start some new positive habits, but you may lose momentum over time and to share your thoughts with someone can add a valuable extra dimension.
Working with a Coach who genuinely cares about your Success in Life can accelerate your insights and win precious Time back.
You probably already know how much people who know you, Friends, Family, great people you work with, can also help you gain more and more insights as you progress in your Life. As you increase your self-observation, you will also see opportunities in the seemingly smallest thoughts or actions where you may not have seen them before. You can learn from them and through them.
The first part of the road or times when we find ourselves in the middle of intense change, when we still have to do heavy(ier) lifting – those limiting beliefs and habits to be eliminated, reframed and transformed into positive – to build the foundation for our new Path (upgraded, happy, fulfilled), that is where the support of people who care about us can really matter a lot.
I have been lucky enough to have Friendship on my side in this Journey and to have a Friend who has a vast Life experience (+being an experienced Coach) and accompanied me through all kinds of days, from the very rough ones until Now.
The great thing is that we don't need anyone's approval or confirmation how good we are doing, but it sure feels great when also they tell you how they could observe your positive progress with determination and your gaining of wisdom and succeeding in finding Peace, Gratitude, Abundance and Joy in the everydays.
The deepest understanding for me was though that for your own Path the Change can only come from you. No matter how much that Friend or Coach or anyone wants to help, only you can make the positive shift for yourself. They stand there encouragingly and will possibly help you see things you can't just then, because you are in a cloud of pain or confusion. They offer advice and support, but only you know the right timing to apply any of these as you choose.
The true power to change yourself is within you, not coming from an outside source.
How many times I heard or read that before and what a great feeling that was when I finally understood its real meaning.
I really want this revelation to be available for everyone that wherever you find yourself, however big those walls or potholes seem, whatever you feel when you look into the mirror: we are capable of great things that we may not see today, but the capability is definitely within us: in starting to believe we can, in our expanding Mind and the power of our Heart.
We are designed to have that Awareness & Choice. All of us.
And you find yourself one day loving Life so much that you simply want to share on – in even greater ways.
I made my choice and I want to be there to work with those who are willing to embark on this transformational Journey.
I want to be there to make sure that you can integrate the things that you discover are best for Your Path and get into a habit of maintaining a framework that suits Your Life. And to reach a point where you will know and feel that you can simply and easily do all that on your own, because you will already see clear patterns, have mastered self-observation and can deal with change and new situations, because you know yourself and what you are about more than ever before.
My Purpose is to have you succeed in the best possible quality and time, and enjoy those moments of revelation how powerful our Mind and Self-empowerment are and what positive change we are capable of, just like I did and do in this awesome Journey of Human Existence.

Y ou can find here some of the core elements that you can incorporate into the Path you choose to work on and themes you may want to explore and understand in more detail.
This really is around the belief that our Character has a major influence on our decision-making and what things we value in Life.
It could be a golden investment to first have a good look at what the Character traits are that you cherish in yourself, what are the ones that you would like to improve upon and to crystallise in your Mind what you see when you see yourself at your best.
Your perseverance, self-discipline and self-compassion are some of your best companions on your Path of Evolution.
You will find quotes that describe that the achievement of your dreams greatly depends on who you are today and who you need to become to achieve them.
Remember the power of questions:
Do you feel that deep commitment and drive to achieve your goals?
Do you feel that it's easy to get there? Do you stretch yourself to get the most and best out of your Life?
Do you feel at times a drop in motivation and stop pursuing a greatly desired goal?
Do you just leave it or do you know why you stopped?
Are you aware of your self-talk when you feel you disappoint yourself or when you are impatient with yourself?
Are you content in the Now?
Beliefs around these questions once uncovered, can help you see where you could find the greatest leverage points to have that healthy Self-esteem and be your own greatest ally and Best Friend.
Core Values
My background in Business and my experience as Leader may help whenever you want to put things into that kind of context or use examples from that world.
However I do believe that learning about your potential as a Human Being, being able to access untapped potentials of your Mind, Subconscious, balance your emotional states, get a deeper understanding of how your Consciousness can be expanded and why it is extremely powerful to dismantle limiting beliefs and more insights and learnings around recent neuroscientific discoveries, will give your Life even more Value.
After all, we are first of all human and that factor is more important than we sometimes like to give it credit for.
If you are open to ponder about it: how many times do you feel that any role in your Life (Family, Friends, Career) defines your train of thought and actions before taking into consideration your own personal context? Checking in on why you believe what you believe of that particular something or someone and why you think that that is the best course of action and so forth.
Being open to ask questions around the status quo of your Life, may reveal those Paths that will lead to much more Fulfillment, if you are ready and willing to go that way.
We are human, but in a way we are beautiful machines that are programmed — our beliefs and behaviors run our Life. Learning to increase our Awareness & making conscious Choices about them can largely contribute to a Life of highest quality that we actively and consciously co-create.
while nurturing your family life, friendships & business
What do you believe about abundance
wealth Creation?
What do you believe about abundance
wealth Creation?
Bring Value first.
Money is expanding who we already are (an important link to our Character).
Money is a positive tool to support the realisation of our Why(s).
Happy to share what I've learnt from the thought process of successful entrepreneurs on how we can build an Abundance Mindset and some resources along the way.
One key factor is, to not create from fear. For this you need to know your deepest rooted drivers.
Accessing Flow state and how we are experiencing Abundance in Life are also very strongly related.
In the meantime you can give it some thought and discover some negative patterns and beliefs you may be aware of in this area.
I want to put this subject on the table as the Financial aspect of our Life seems to be one of the leading causes of stress and insecurities. It also can be the support of many of our Life categories and our success in it can certainly contribute to a great Quality of Life.
Working also here around our ever present beliefs.
How about:
To teach is to learn twice.
- Joseph Joubert
Expanding on that: when you learn something with the intention to be able to teach it to someone, you set your Brain into a way more active receptive mode.
You will truly understand that topic and you can authentically pass on knowledge. and ingrain it in your Mind for the long term.
Experiment with this consciously and see the results for yourself.