Living a Life around cherished Core Values and my Calling to inspire
To live a Life with Integrity has always been vital to me. To be honest with ourselves first and seek to see and understand things in and around us, and be ready to continuously evolve and learn, always representing our Inner Truth honestly.
I naturally resonate with people who share this same core belief.
These last years I made a very conscious choice to change my Life and look for the best ways to fulfill my Purpose and contribute to my fellow humans in a way that I can, in my own unique way, bring myself and my Life experience into it all.
I always felt that I could gather someone's story they shared with me with an openness to learn and return with insights they found valuable.
Speaking from my Heart with honesty and compassion, honouring both my healthy boundaries and those of others generally create a trusting environment that inspires. As I love to be myself, I would like to inspire others to find their true alignment in being themselves, to love to learn about themselves and evolve their Character – an awesome Journey of a Lifetime.
Why focusing on Leadership?
I've always been fascinated by the possibilities in the power and impact of Leadership.
Starting with Role Models at Home, historical figures and fictional characters from stories and films – how Leadership was represented, got me always deeply involved in thinking and trying to figure out its dynamics.
My global corporate career of over a decade (on LinkedIn you can see my portfolio if you are curious of the nature of projects and programmes I was involved in), including transitioning activities, building new teams, expanding existing ones, dealing with the Change Management around acquisitions with all related sensitivities of how people are impacted by Leadership decisions, taught me a lot about the responsibility that comes with Leadership Impact.
As I experienced my own Leadership roles in and outside of work, I gradually understood what a great responsibility it really is. We are influencing and impacting each other's lives. If we are considered for anyone a role model at any point in time or they just simply ask for our opinion in something, we do have that responsibility to be the best, most upgraded version of ourselves and give that in the highest quality possible at the time.
Then of course use our Lifetime to continuously learn and upgrade.
Remaining a humble learner is one of those great Character traits I myself appreciate in a true and strong Leader.
Coaching with Heart-core, Spirit-base and Mind-power
I do not believe in external definition of our inner Value. I do not believe in education with limits and any certificates that are only scratching the surface of knowledge. I do not believe that we have to accept living anyone else's views or dreams and submit to "you should dos/feels". I am not a supporter of limiting structures.
I believe in the infinite human potential and wisdom.
I believe in our Lifelong Journey of getting to know and appreciate ourself for who we are at the core and to strive to become the most accomplished human being we can be in the time that is given.
I believe in the power of continuous evolution through learning and experiencing Life with an open Mind.
I believe in the fulfillment we get from genuinely caring to add Value to each other's Lives.
For me the Value I represent cannot be summed up in the tons of courses I completed. My years of experience of work and non-work Leadership I see also only a part of the whole.
The quality and essence of what I give to you, is an integral part of me. It is my continuous Evolution.
The knowledge I soak up every day through self-observation, reading, listening to thought process of wonderful people I have the luck to know, through research on how we function as humans from Spirituality, excel in a Coaching capacity to recent findings of Neuroscience, and an eagerness to consistently expand my understanding of the world.
I apply what resonates with me and practice awareness, build powerful habits and enjoy how my Life unfolds.
And I find absolute Joy in sharing my best version with the ones who I connect with.
I have been to many stations in my Life already and as I understand Consciousness, it really can only increase once you get a taste of it. You learn the patterns of your Brain and learn to elevate yourself above past programming that doesn't serve you. You make your Body and Mind work for you to uplevel your emotional states and keep them high and rebounce successfully from any dip in the road.
This holistic view and core-deep approach to Life is not taught in schools, nor in the workplace.
Through Coaching I want to share all that experience that I accumulated in a Lifetime, so that you basically can set yourself on a Path of continuous Growth and unfold your very own inner Abundance.
Succeeding in your Journey, your self-evolution, realising how you can change your perspective in situations and gain a sense of accomplishment by mastering your response to things that happen and increase your resilience - every bit of your Success, every reached goal, every step towards your Dreams, inspires.
The more you gain, I gain and the more I become, the more I can give. The more you gain, the more the people gain who surround you. Through collaboration we create a perpetual loop of continuous positive Transformation. With ripple effect.
Global Mindset
Through my work in the last decade and then my Personal Growth Journey within a global community, I could enrich and expand my perception of the world with many different aspects of different cultures and getting to know different mindsets.
It only increased my appreciation for diversity and how much it expedites and unfolds our human potential.
Travelling to countries on different continents and working with leaders and teams from different backgrounds, has been contributing to my enhanced global mindset a great deal.
This picture was taken at an excursion that we did with my Friend and fellow Team Leader who I worked with at IBM Philippines, a bright young Filipino colleague who became a Friend of ours and hosted us to many of these adventures and our Swiss-Italian Leader who made occasional trips to visit the Team and who was a role model of empowering Leadership for me. We climbed the Taal Volcano on possibly the hottest day ever - at least that's how it felt like when we got finally to the mountain top where the very thoughtful locals handed us bottles of water (ours ran out at about half way - watch out for how deceptively short the distance can seem when you are looking UP a mountain). I think back of those time with absolute fondness: how our little Filipino-Swiss-Italian-Hungarian troupe could bond, enjoying that glorious view proudly from that mountain top.

Self-empowerment and Courage in our Personal Evolution
I heard the phrase before, but as I hadn't yet encountered that shock that vibrates in your core when you are faced with true Loss. I couldn't quite place yet what it means to "take our power back". Until the moment came.
When you lose a Loved One who has always been there for you and has always been a Tower of Strength, you may feel at a loss temporarily, when suddenly you are faced with the fleeting nature of our human existence on a deeply emotional level.
It may be a Life-changing experience. It certainly was for me. It shook me and made me look at my Life, whether I felt truly happy and whether I was living my Purpose.
The answer was clear and the decision to change was fast.
It took a while however to recover, heal, learn more intensely about how our Mind and Heart work (spiritually and scientifically) and crystallise my own Life Vision and Purpose.
Now, having invested real quality time into my own Personal Evolution, I can say that I know some more about what it means: "take my Power back". Standing strong and allowing Wisdom and Compassion to rule instead of Ego.
It seems though that this is not something we do one-off and it's done. It seems to take constant practice. Getting better at it really shows in a tremendous amount of positive mindset towards Life. Looking at "bumps in the road" confidently, reframing situations as learnings and embracing them as much as possible as opportunities for Growth.
It's like kung fu practice for the Mind.
As a very positive side-effect, fear and doubt shrink to a very manageable amount.
And as we both know, great Leadership takes a great amount of Courage.
Courage to dream, Courage to stand strong in the face of adversity, Courage to show vulnerability, Courage to shake off the dust of the road after a fall and stand tall again.
Sounds maybe somewhat poetic, but really, once you find this feeling, it is pretty darn great to keep it.

Value-contribution and the true meaning of Success
I always want you to receive a multiplied Value from the energy and time we put into our conversations.
This Value may unfold over time and it may as well have an impact that wanders about in your Subconscious until it will provide even more results and come onto the light in your Consciousness.
For me it is major Success when you feel successful.
What Success is to you, your definition of it, will be unique to you.
You may want to ponder about this whenever you can as this influences not only your Goal setting, but also on how you can appreciate achievements: what is Success to you?
Success is often measured in money. If you consider though that many millionaires or even billionaires have a constant fear mindset and are unable to enjoy their Life, it becomes obvious that it is not money that generates Happiness nor a feeling of Success.
There is so much more to this, but in the simplest way expressed what I have learned: once you change your inner world, the outer world adjusts to your elevated states of Mind and Heart.
You do not want to tie your Happiness to goals, you want to develop that feeling of Bliss in the Now and create and manifest your goals from that place.
If you tie your Happiness to goals in front of you, you will keep chasing them, but never really be able to enjoy the Journey.
Having harmonious emotional states, health and fitness, happy and balanced relationships, being able to make smart choices and our ability to enjoy the moments and be happy in the Now, meaningfully contributing, will be accompanied by Abundance that you already achieved within.
Being not simply a Foodie

Food means to me the celebration of Life.
Eating is sacred. It means Life and Love.
It is so close to my Heart, you will see me very enthusiastically sharing food
experiences when someone posts about Food.
My Hungarian roots may be one of the reasons that
this absolute Love for Food developed in me.
We can talk about just food and eating for a long time
with a great, enthusiastic focus.
It is also my personal experience, as I was travelling around the globe, that sharing a meal brings together people in a very wonderful way. The quality of conversations can have an extra layer to them.
I am deeply grateful for experiences where I could taste original local Food, like my beloved Japanese cuisine and Indian meals and Italian farmers' market treasures, that I could share with Friends.
As well as tasting excellent coffee in various parts of the planet, while grinding my coffee beans for Home consumption.
I choose to create that experience by cooking and baking for Family & Friends at Home.
My own Vision for the Future entails many more of these occasions.
I also would like to build and see a world where hunger will become an item of the past only.
So that nobody is without shelter, clear water and food.
So that everyone can concentrate on their Learning about Life and get the best out of it.
Elevating the Quality of Life on our home planet to a whole new level.
I realised that I mainly want to ease and eradicate human suffering, contribute to a harmonious ecosystem and a successful circular economy, and increase the level of Happiness and the number of fulfilling Lives on this planet through my existence and work.
Whether it's just cheering someone up or whether it is helping them gain Life-changing insights, every day, every step shall add to that Purpose.
I really want to contribute in a way that people learn to love their Lives and if they do already, just love it more, expand it more by helping others do the same.
These are the roots of my own Why. The reasons why I was drawn to this Path of Value-contribution.
So, here I am, ready to plunge into shared Adventures with great Characters, great Leaders, with you being one.

Life is an Adventure - we might as well enjoy it!


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