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Being human (on a planet) first of all

Writer's picture: Tamara MihályiTamara Mihályi

Updated: Apr 1, 2023

Before we embody various aspects of Leadership in our societal roles, we are an individual human being with a unique-to-us perception, dreams, goals, wants and needs.

Who we are as individuals fundamentally determines the quality of our Leadership.

Our Self-concept and Character are profoundly shaping the circumstances, the reality, we create and the personality and attitude we display when responding to Life events.

To embrace that responsibility, The Adventure, is up to us.

What do you think about this today? Do you believe that Self-improvement means we can exert a more worthy influence as Leaders? Do you believe that through investing into your Personal Growth you become a Leader who inspires in greater measure by their example?

Let's dive into the conversation combined with #Selfreflection – by the end, I trust that you've attained considerable clarity on your answers to all the questions we address today.

Lead by example Making a positive difference as a Leader

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Current climate – what can we influence?

What have you been observing about figures in positions of Leadership recently?

(Both in your immediate surroundings and on the global stage.)

What are behaviours, Leadership styles you find generally unacceptable and want to see a change in them?

I share some of my impressions to provide additional #Foodforthought as intended.

Although I studied political sciences (my minor at university) exploring reasons of governing issues and trying to identify better means to contribute purposefully –, I decided by the end of my studies almost 20 years ago that I perceived politics too limited and manipulative (both very repelling for my Character) to choose it as a worthwhile path of positive influence.

Instead, I went into the world of global corporate business where I could learn to lead in a different context – which proved to be a good preparation before stepping onto the Entrepreneurial Path.

I was of the opinion that through business Leadership we could also improve how we more optimally organize and govern society. While my own aim regarding that remains constructive – my focus having shifted to support the #Valuefootprint of Entrepreneurial Leadership –, you can see examples how business does dominate politics and media often via rather detrimental methods and not with everyone's best interest in mind.

So, there's our realisation: we grasp that it is the individuals who are the creators of culture together, each adding their own flavour to the Whole, and that we shall harmonize the fabric of structures we create collectively from our core units of Family and Friendships to enterprises to entire societies, so that personal Self-actualization paths can be embedded into a holistic Vision we can all behold and agree upon.

When we have Leaders who are prone to manipulate and oppress (reflecting their Character), disregarding basic human rights often unconsciously and probably more rarely maliciously, then we need to tackle the improvement of Character and encourage increasing the level of Awareness in all, so that we recognize unhealthy patterns and create together more fair and just systems, institutions, societies.

To be an inspiring example, we shall exercise Self-responsibility and start this entire process with ourselves. This is what we can very much influence.

How do you see the responsibility of Leaders in terms of striving to be well-rounded and increasingly Self-aware, honouring a Moral Compass when conducting themselves?

What are characteristics you've always found intolerable and don't choose to stand for?

What do you want to improve in yourself?

Which Character traits do you find admirable and desirable that you choose to embody?

Individuals in the Bigger Picture

As I was Project- and Change-managing my way across the globe via international assignments for a decade, I realised how attuned I was to expand my perspective to one of a #globalcitizen. When you collaborate globally, you probably see exactly what I mean.

Through global collaborations you develop an understanding of how much we are alike on a human level, regardless of our multifarious backgrounds.

This helps to view and build organizations as more inclusive and diverse, and detect opportunities to improve the relevant representation of these qualities. It also helps to honour and encourage unique individual expressions while navigating organically in a collective context.

There are so many similar problems that occur in various shapes and forms, but because we tend to still fall for the illusion that we are so separated and disconnected (and that's the narrative still rehearsed by unhealthy Leadership patterns and questionable motifs to exploit instead of empower), we do not connect the dots for working out solutions together. At least, looking at the state of things from an Earth perspective, we are not yet doing well enough in that matter.

I like to believe that we can get progressively better at this once we commit to increase our Awareness of Self and the world's dynamics around us.

The evident benefits of Personal Evolution and higher levels of Consciousness can be then naturally extended person by person to successful teamwork of any size – the size of the Planet eventually.

Can you vouch for the accuracy of that observation via your own experience?

How do you see it? What is your experience working with teams and internationally?

How have these shaped your perception and handling of interpersonal relationships?

How do you view yourself and your role in the Bigger Picture?

Leading by example

I had developed a keen Awareness to recognize Leadership practices that were not aligned with my own Moral Compass ones that divide and generate conflict instead of working on real solutions with mutual benefit. If you think about it, we all have that sense in different quantities. Even if that sense is suppressed more in some than in others.

We can certainly learn to increase this Awareness and practice important Values, like Integrity, to reflect more so in our Character and choices.

Discovering that element of deep caring in ourselves is an important factor for the nature of our Leadership.

When we care about our influence and impact also on a Higher Value level – guided by our sense of the Ideal Self that is part of our Self-concept –, we care to learn and change for the better.

You can also say that our ability to adapt well and improve is in direct correlation with how much we care about forging a meaningful, positive legacy in our Lifetime.

When you think of Leadership practices, representation of human rights, fairness, and consider the positive, empowering traits you want to inspire with – what kind of conclusions do you derive in terms of your Legacy, what is the difference you want to make?

Readiness for positive Change

I do see the need and willingness in conversations, to make meaningful, positive Change. I do also see that many of us are ready to take up that responsibility to address what is not working and what is not acceptable.

What more can we do?

We can start to view our Lives more holistically again, in the context of a Life Vision, learn how Values and Principles, a sense of Meaning are vital forces in our Lives, while we create a good level of Prosperity and Well-being via win-win-win scenarios.

Win for the individual and their immediate surroundings,

win for the business (our economical-educational structures)

and our civilization, all variety of cultures that we are shaping altogether.

This is in alignment with what Covey describes as #Interdependence : "to work successfully with others in creative cooperative ways requires an enormous amount of independence, internal security, and self-mastery."

#Entrepreneurship Entrepreneur Leaders can lead the way for those larger, more rigid structures that define most of our human society, to change the main tone of business so that we nurture a culture that represents and encompasses these essential Values and serves everyone.

To have a Vision to establish truly meaningful ways how we build organizations.

To recognise the investment of an individual into their Personal Growth to benefit the entire organization. To see beyond company borders and annual reports and recognize how we connect into society at large. The atmosphere of an organization contributes to that.

We achieve #winwinwin.

If we really want not only better conditions for living on this planet, but truly fulfilling existence, a fair society and harmoniously interconnected human structures that respects and advances Life, we need to grow beyond small-minded, egoic, selfish strategies.

I believe, we need to embrace that duty as Leaders – the incredible influence through which we can help set empowering trends, build inclusive atmospheres and encourage open, respectful communication to progress together as well as individually.

It may be Self-evident, but all you learn about yourself you can utilise in your Leadership to better understand, more wisely influence and empower the ones who turn to you for Inspiration and take example of you.

The Work together

No amount of business courses, tools and experience could amount to the Value which a greater level of Consciousness brought for me. And for all those who similarly transformed their Lives by pausing and re-evaluating the foundations on which their Life is built.

My background in Business, and global experience as Leader provides access to a Mentoring quality in your Coaching Journey; though what will bring incomparably more Value than any business techniques, I believe, is when you learn to access untapped potentials of your Mind, discover and release limiting patterns, programme your Subconscious to empower rather than sabotage your behaviour, become more conscious and balanced in your choices and harness Flow for your benefit.

That is why the emphasis in our Work together is on finding your own answers to your optimal ways of conscious living, Leadership practices and style that inspire others while allow you to feel authentic and genuine. Naturally leading, becoming autotelic.

My Work mostly focuses on all of you experienced Leaders, business owners, who are currently prioritising to hone their Leadership practices, expand their Value-footprint by finding better ways for better outcomes.

All of you who are willing to look at their Life holistically, finetune their #LifeVision to reflect primary Values and hone your Character.

Our overall theme that encompasses this all is to increase your quality of Life.

Coaching serves as an accountability partnership and my experience and skillset that helps you with all the above.

When ready, I invite you to utilise the Self-assessment page on the website.

I will also send through a tailored form that is specifically designed for Discovery, so that you gain clarity on where you are at and what becomes the highest leverage points to invest into.

I welcome feedback and sharing.

What kind of new insights have you gained? Want to share your favourite resources, ideas that shaped your understanding in this topic? Or you want to let me know what you are currently focusing on solving-improving?

If yes, simply send a message.

In the meantime enjoy your pondering to improve your Life and Leadership,


Recommending a handful of resources today

to inspire further valuable insights.

Books that can shape our way of thinking and show us alternatives how to better lead

Stephen R. Covey's ideas live on in many forms and his principles for Personal Growth seem still evergreen. His books deserved a place on my shelves:

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The 8th Habit From Effectiveness to Greatness.

And I'd add the one titled First Things First that highlights the immense Value of a compass in Life – we work with a Life Vision as compass – and compelling ways to prioritise what matters to us most.

Dale Carnegie's book How To Win Friends and Influence People is being reprinted for good reason for over 70 years now. I looked not so much into "how others can like us", but how our authentic representation of Self can be in harmony with our surroundings and encourage an empowering climate.

Articles that add more angles to the conversation


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