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Integrating Flow – increasing our quality of Life

Writer's picture: Tamara MihályiTamara Mihályi

Updated: Apr 1, 2023

As we work to best utilise both our conscious Awareness and our Subconscious capacity, so that we get better results in terms of our well-being, business and Leadership, we want to choose modalities that amplify the yield of our invested efforts; applying practices that help us discern in the best way in our era of multiplied information, navigating with more ease.

You will see here how Flow does that, and why it's worthwhile that we make it an integral part of our work together, your Inner Work and habits – to keep increasing your quality of Life.

For Inspiring Leaders: Dynamics of the Work. In the Work practising conscious choices integrating Flow habits environments and triggers .

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Working with Flow

Flow isn't simply a performance accelerator

#optimalstate means just as much a higher quality of experiences, a better way of accessing our greater potential. Making our Body and Mind work for us. Now that we're learning how they ideally work.

For Inspiring Leaders : Gains from the Work. Peak Flow and a prolonged state of Bliss show the diverse nature of this state. It's not only to achieve peak performance occasionally, but to improve overall attitude and a quality to our mental-emotional state. Resilience. Clarity. Inner Piece.

Results will show up in how you feel about yourself and your Life areas.

Your positive change in attitude and state then allows you to create more desirable tangible outcomes.

Both tangible and intangible signs can serve as a litmus test in how well are you integrating Flow and where you still need to tweak to optimise habits, environments and use Flow-triggers more effectively.

You are orchestrating your human experience by making conscious choices which influence also your Subconscious.

You can consciously assess and choose the habits that induce your Flow.

A key consideration shall always remain: which ones feed your Vision, your goals leading up to it, at the same time?

For Inspiring Leaders: Coaching + inner work : gaining Clarity. Your conscious choices will be best based on Clarity of Vision and Values. These can be in need of re-alignment. Especially before greater Change.

How you identify and tailor your Flow habits?

Revelations come with observation.

Observe in your day-to-day: when, at which activities, through which environments do you experience any or multiple simultaneously of the markers detailed in the following paragraph?

Ordinary tasks are not to be underestimated. With practice, you can develop a blissful, empowered state even doing something simple as... the dishes. You'll be learning to complete those tasks that need to be done, but are not your favourites, with much less reactivity, if any at all. If you can delegate them, it may be beneficial to do so.

Considering this context, in the Work together we identify how and which of the social, creative, environmental & psychological #flowstate triggers work best for you. We amplify the efficacy of your habits further, by embedding them into the concept and practice of Flow.

Integrating habits and practices so that they facilitate your desired results, your inspiring Leadership practices and ultimately, your Life Vision.

In this interpretation we apply in the Work together:

Flow is rather a state of Mind, a way of living.

The nature of Flow

Why is Flow so instrumental for us in this endeavour?

Because once you are in this also called optimal state, your thinking and the related actions come more effortlessly. There is an increased synergy of your various levels of human operation and less to no reactivity.

It is a state that has a transcendent quality, therefore a quintessential tool to shape your Subconscious Mind, which in turn influences your behaviour.

Among the main reasons is that the frontal lobe, that generates our sense of Self, goes mostly offline and we function at an optimum emotionally, physically, mentally, without overthinking or being overly Self-critical.

Here is a list of Flow-markers to qualify your experiences:

  • exceptional focus – energy is reallocated from frontal lobe

  • immediate, clear and unambiguous feedback

  • fatigue, boredom, doubts, lack of clarity and distractions get auto-excluded out of Consciousness

  • fear of failure subsides

For Inspiring Leaders . Flow elements . Unwavering focus and clear goals, immediate unambiguous feedback, intrinsic reward, challenge/skill ratio balance, action and Awareness merge, distractions auto-excluded, fear of failure subsides, natural sense of control, Confidence, effortlessness and ease, time distorts, rich sensory data, becoming autotelic.
  • focus is on the task, rather than Self

  • "the inner critic" is offline as well

  • creativity peaks

  • productivity goes up 500-700%

  • learning ability is amplified

  • the five most potent neurotransmitters are produced at the same time (Serotonin, Dopamine, Endorphins, Oxytocin, Anandamide)

  • the experience is intrinsically rewarding

  • there's a challenge/skill ratio balance

  • action and Awareness merge

  • there is a natural sense of control, Confidence and ease

  • time distorts and the Brain processes more sensory data (less filters active)

  • becoming autotelic is the ultimate reward

In this altered state you gain so many advantages that it becomes self-explanatory to utilise it. As you can see there's neurological, mental-emotional rationale for it.

Your natural Confidence returns to its best. You navigate complexity – such as the immense amount of data we are dealing with these days – with way more ease. Your perception becomes sharp, expanded. You focus on the task – productivity being mainly a result of quality focus. You don't have to struggle against Self-sabotaging Self-talk, because it gets excluded automatically. You won't feel the overwhelm that can occur with average approaches.

These markers will help you identify and qualify your activities and the mental-emotional states that they evoke. Which ones are contributing to what you want and how you want to feel, and which ones are simply energy-draining or even destructive?

For Inspiring Leaders: Coaching + inner work : individual Flow. Your understanding of what YOUR Flow is helps define your highest leverage activities, Flow-inducing habits, environments and triggers. Next to discarding hinderances.

Your individual Flow

Get to know yourself and your tendencies better

Increasing Self-awareness becomes a practice as a foundation for Success.

You will discover when are you forcing things without sufficient progress.

You will find those elements in your day-to-day that are blocking your Flow-performance.

Becoming aware of your patterns of behaviour means that you can clearly see your options: what you choose to keep, what you choose to adjust, what you choose to release.

Both Flow and force can lead to results.

The question is, how would you like to reach those results, how would you like to feel after you've achieved them and how do you want your surroundings to experience this entire process?

Considering also which one is getting you more yield out of the same amount of invested time and energy.

Note those states when you feel naturally confident, relaxed, at ease; when your attitude feels most authentic and is harmonious towards others as well.

The Work together

For a greater quality Life and Leadership.

My Work mostly focuses on experienced Leaders, business owners, who are currently prioritising to hone their Leadership practices, expand their Value-footprint by finding better ways for better outcomes.

Leaders who are willing to look at their Life holistically, finetune their Life Vision to reflect primary Values, hone their Character, and filter out sabotaging beliefs.

If you want to learn to become more conscious in your choices, benefit from Flow-inducing habits, overcome behaviours that are currently not optimal for neither you nor your surroundings or your quality of Life, you might want to consider Coaching as an accountability partnership that helps you with all this.

When ready, explore the options I currently provide through the main page:

For Inspiring Leaders - Coaching + inner work : integrating Flow. Exploration is the way. Testing, trying, adjusting, tracking, observing, realising, recognizing, re-aligning habits, environment, approaches. Learning and applying your knowledge. Accountability, Coaching, Mentoring are your partner in the process.

Feel free to utilise the Self-assessment page on the website.

Welcoming constructive feedback and your experiences

What piqued your interest most?

What was new? What was known? What do you want further elaboration on?

What will you deep-dive into right away?

How applicable do you find the insights you gained?

Which ones feel like real breakthroughs?

Any more useful resources you know of that should be added to the list below?

I'd be glad to receive your ideas, thoughts, suggestions, questions.

In the meantime: stay inspired and enjoy the Journey,



Recommended resources

I'm a firm believer of basing our beliefs on our own experiences, even when learning from many sources.

These shall be enough for starters to get the gist on Flow.

Once you understand the basics and general characteristics, methods to induce Flow, the individual benefits reveal themselves in your trying out habits, activities that induce YOUR Flow.

The aim is to discover your unique way to connect to Flow that fits your ideal lifestyle and learn to best maintain and harness it. #feelgoodfactor

My own theoretical knowledge is based on more books, hundreds of articles, masterclasses and courses over the past 3 years. The following 3 resources can serve as deep foundation.

Then, just like me, you can experiment with how you best put this all into practice and find even more learning, beyond theory.

Mihály Csíkszentmihályi: Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience

Steven Kotler: The Rise of Superman

Joseph Rodrigues' You Tube channel on living in Flow and Entrepreneurship


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