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Self-discovery as Entrepreneur

Writer's picture: Tamara MihályiTamara Mihályi

Updated: Apr 1, 2023

The expression "the hero's journey" I knew as represented in mythology, but in recent years, as I dived into my own entrepreneurial Adventure wholeheartedly and chose new Mentors who could provide me with Inspiration to have my very own lightbulbs, I heard it mentioned in many Life stories of highly successful entrepreneurs and thought leaders as they walked us through how their path unfolded, what they went through to climb their own Everest.

Stephen Gilligan and Robert Dilts (latter you know as the creator of the Logical Levels of Change model) wrote an entire book about it.

"Thus, a hero's journey is simultaneously about living your gifts and healing your wounds. Your power and your fullness are in both of these energies. And those two things will be there as major influences on your intimate relationships, your professional life, your health, and your development as a person - this simultaneous process of healing and sharing your gifts will always be there."

A voyage of Self-discovery is its secondary title.

And isn't it indeed our entire Life: a voyage of discovery of who we are, what we want, the things and experiences we desire, the feelings we want more of, the things we would like to avoid but once they happen we would like to come out wiser and victorious on the other end, with more understanding of why we are here and what meaning our Life has, what meaning we give to it? ... You have your own answers to these.

Being an Entrepreneur, we are expressing our current level of Self in our work, not only in personal aspects. It really feels like this is our way of being. The way we look at and embrace Life. And because our work is essentially an organic part of who we are, the more we evolve ourselves, the more success and learnings we seem to be unfolding in the dimensions of our work.

The journey of discovering our deepest, truest Identity and upgrading it further to realise the Vision of our Life, seems to happen in many layers in our day-to-day Life.

The more we can learn to apply the tools optimally tailored to help us in the most beneficial ways – like Self-talk, Self-reflection, Meditation, Mindfulness, Journaling, inducing Flow through our habits and harnessing it for optimal performance –, the better we equip ourselves to Self-actualize.

Since, Leadership is a core element of my Life and work, and based on how I see it working –primarily as responsible, inspiring and empowering influencing –, I do believe that all of us have not only the capacity, but also the everyday platform to lead. The opportunity to make our Lives more and more fulfilling while we support and serve others in the most accomplished ways we can master as Leaders.

Our Character, our investment into our own evolution, our Personal Growth studies and work with mentors, coaches, accountability partners, introspection, all contribute to our Leadership quality.

When you look at your current Journey and you consider this quote I shared, when you look at your Life as a hero's journey, you maybe ask yourself similar questions:

What are my gifts and wounds? How do I recognize them? How do I tend to them? How am I investing into my Journey in a way that helps me fully utilise the gifts, which I may not fully recognize or appreciate just yet, and heal my wounds, which may show up as limiting beliefs and unconscious patterns that hold me from living the potential that still slumbers within.

It is fascinating how much this human experience is an Adventure when you learn to embrace it as such.

When we are dwelling in our wounded state, we may see only a narrow corridor of what is our Life, missing the entire spectrum of it. Enabling ourselves with Consciousness tools, with an increased level of Awareness, to then be able to choose better every time, can help to get out of big scale adversities, as well as speed up the required time for recovery whenever we do face challenging periods in Life.

Living our gifts as part of our Self-actualization and for the benefit of all who we encounter, and all who can get Value from our work – so that they are inspired to embrace their own

Enjoy your pondering time!


When you feel ready to invest into the coaching work part of your Journey, explore the Self-evaluation page and, when ready, fill out the Coaching Session preparation form. You can take notes in the latter for yourself or send it also to me.

Take care till then and keep enjoying the Journey as well as the Destination,



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