When you're learning about how to effectively bring across your message to your audience, one key element you hear is: "speak to your client's major pain point".
So, here we are.
As I like to collaboratively work and think together, and any hint of manipulation and patronising are – and shall remain – very far from my core, let us jointly explore; crunching that pain point. Or more of them at once.
When I was crystallising my Why for my chosen form of vocation, I realised how much the connection with your team and your ability to inspire the members of your organisation individually, and at the same time have them effectively peak perform as a coherent unit, were key for your success as a Leader. Not to forget the feeling of fulfillment that goes with that – both for them and for you.
I saw great Value in taking an enabling role in that undertaking of yours.
You started out with your drive to realise your ideas and you keep pushing to this day to reach that next peak. You want to get your business through that next breakthrough. In your quest you may feel at times somewhat isolated and even question how much others can understand and level up to that fire you have for the attainment of your goals.
Sometimes you may even feel disheartened and tired to be faced with the various issues others are facing and wonder why they can't seem to bring their best to the table. Why performance fluctuates and what you could do to make that not only evenly distributed, but accelerate to full speed when needed.
You may also lose sight from time to time of that awesome potential a diverse team has, regardless its size, that's right there for you.
How to unlock that?
How to overcome these nagging doubts about your own abilities as a Leader?
Are there higher leverage points than to focus on questioning your team selection?
How to train your awareness of what you can do to move the needle on these?
If you are reading this and deeply care about solutions to such questions, and are willing to reassess your own design of thoughts and beliefs, ready to upgrade yourself too, and learn to inspire the members of your team – one by one if it needs to be –, then you already are a great Leader.
Learning to expand that quality in your ways of working within and without your organisation, is a journey interconnected with your Personal Growth.
You can greatly inspire through transparently role modeling all that.
One trait of peak performers and true great Leaders I see is, that they care.
They care to learn, care to get better, care about the consequences of actions and words and care to understand more.
They appreciate what they have, can be fully immersed in the moment in Flow, but they don't settle.
They care to evolve and inspire others to do that too.
They have the Courage and fierce commitment to change for the better.
As I was in that crystallising process how I can help you in your own process of evolution, I knew that I wanted to share all the tools and knowledge that helped me transform things for the better in my own mindset and increase and maintain Flow in the everydays.
When you are familiar with the term "rock bottom" from your own personal experience or at least close to that, you will know that it can be an effective trigger of transformation.
What I committed to myself though that it doesn't need to be a "rock bottom" for anyone and if I can help it, I will work in a way so that the transformation is more a Satori one, through insights rather than through pain.

If you already are in a place where you are struggling with stress, how to clearly see the best next actions to take and how to achieve that breakthrough for your business you want, there are ways to achieve more mental clarity, stability in your emotional states, so that you can turn things around into the desired direction.
Why I am so certain that these things work, because I tried them myself. They work for me and work for the vast amount of people in my network who are similarly committed to their Personal Growth saw their own positive change through them. I offer them as material for your own experimentation.
If so many of us could upgrade our Life by choice, so can you. All of us can.
The amount of consciousness you gain as you choose your habits that support that peak performance as a foundation for your success, is astounding and really, really empowering.
I am bringing in science elements into my work and into the content I am sharing with you not only because I love to learn and am fascinated by these things, but also because they helped me accelerate my own transformation.
Science, data, facts, other people's experiences speak to our Analytical Mind and our Ego.
Our Ego that tries to protect us and keep us in our comfort zone, that seems to be a size too small always especially if you are an avid learner and seeker of evolving to the next stage.
It's like a convincing game – we allow in new information to then expand through it.
Once you push past those limits of comfort zone and engage the processing power of your Subconscious, that is multiple times that of your Conscious Mind, you can up your game substantially.
We stretch our understanding of what's possible for us – to infinity (and beyond).
I am sharing things that I learn about neurobiology, Flow, present-future mindset and more, because I believe that if these help me upgrading faster (and they do), they can also help you.
That is why you will see those elements in my content and my work.
And because they are really fun.
To learn how to hack our supercomputer brain and our neurobiology, can be really speaking to the Adventurer in you. The aspect of you that is curious and asks:
Can I do better? Can I evolve faster?
How do I make the best out of my human hardware and software?
How do I get more clarity and awareness of what is optimal change?
Can I take my business to that next level I envision?
Am I able to translate this all to my peers and team in a way that we succeed together?
And so you are shifting from that mindset of struggling with isolation and not finding ways of how to inspire, through progressive learning and increased awareness, to a mindset of actually enjoying your own evolution and realising how much of an Inspiring Leader you can be in many more ways than you initially thought.
