We explore today the concept of #quantumleaps as an awesome tool to magnify and accelerate our success through transforming our mindset. And how nothing is wrong with believing also in the power of incremental progress, but rather contemplating here how both of them combined can benefit our Journey.
Revelations can seem ground-breaking, new, never heard of. It may be that they are simply a reminder of what we deep down knew only temporarily forgot. Whatever the case, we have the right to embrace our revelations as new to us.
This thought process surfaced on originality and our personal learnings, choosing who we want to hear our reminders from, what Mentors we read and learn from... when I heard about the You2 ("You squared") book of Price Pritchett (Bob Proctor's favourite read when he wants to motivate himself - basically 44 pages (in my version, his is 35 pages) of grand summary on mindset-shift) and when in our regular Friday live Q&A Joseph (Rodriguez) mentioned again the book Quantum Leap Strategy.
From the book You2:
"you2 implies an “explosive jump” in your personal performance that puts you far beyond the next logical step"
I'm familiar with the concept of #quantumleap or #quantumjumping since in the past 4 years it's come up in my vast array of learning resources multiple times as a highly potent tool of exponential success.
I love to research and apply cutting edge stuff that is exploring and expanding the potential of human Consciousness.
I used to be somewhat inflexible in thinking, because, as I recall, back in the days I identified inner strength and Charisma with a very definite opinion about topics of Life, not budging and being fierce towards conflicting views. Now, naturally, if it's about our Core Values, we defend and represent those as part of our Identity. Today with more understanding, accepting our differences, not feeling the need of having to agree or convince - peacefully coexisting and keeping the learning going.
I mean to emphasize the importance of practising becoming and remaining flexible in our thinking and embracing opposing ideas, because if we allow our mindset to grow rigid, it can hinder our growth and success while at the same time enlarge disempowering patterns.
We shall learn to keep an open Mind and seek the learning even in disagreements or where our judgement is quick to dismiss a new idea, recommendation or resource, in order to grow beyond our limits and see past our current paradigm.
The aim is to succeed with more ease, becoming more resilient and being able to transmute obstacles into opportunities more effectively, while enjoying this entire process and increasing our quality of Life.
In our case of learning today: earlier I would have judged and possibly dismissed the book You2, as it doesn't seem to be really providing ground-breaking ideas, being more of a glossary of known empowering concepts - though, crafted in a powerful, mentally easily digestible, succinct manner.
Why not so brand new? If you look at our human existence and the past 2000 years, great thinkers (their thoughts being more exposed to the public eye through books etc.) - just like any of us - seem to gallop around similar/same topics: a sense of meaning, belonging, contribution, thoughts, emotions, habits and so on. You can find celebrated books coming fresh out of the press today which may simply reword things that we already learned with Covey, Napoleon Hill, Neville, James Allen, Earl Nightingale, Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, Einstein and so many more. And naturally, from our individual standpoint most importantly: we've learned these concepts through our very own experiences and interpretations.
For me, nothing wrong with any of that. I consider this phenomenon to occur, because our lifespan is limited and we used to be geographically, culturally more segregated that is dissolving with today's digitalised landscape of knowledge exchange, still: we are learning, unlearning and relearning things.
And we shall individually enjoy the process. Embrace our power to interpret things in our own, to us unique way. Choose our Mentors as we like.
Circling back to that first thought I began with: it may be that the concepts in any share or book are age old, but we can still find in a certain wording something that feels new to us. Something that feels good, an empowering thought that we can use. When we apply our #GrowthMindset, trading a judgemental Mind for an approach that entails childlike curiosity and the willingness to learn, we will be able to distill so much more for our own benefit, becoming wiser, more #selfaware. Which will mean an increased benefit for anyone we influence, too.
Let's consider to put under our magnifying glass these two things today: incremental progress and quantum leaps.
Quantum leaps seem to go beyond common sense and skipping steps of progress that the "traditional way of thinking" would have expected to have happened in order for you to end up where you ended up successfully.
While some suggest that we should scrap incremental progress, I suggest: why not look at both and utilise them both and find our very own greatest benefits from them.
For me, incremental progress may sound safer when you are not in the frame of mind of risking (now or in general), when you feel you want to have things unfold rather than deal with big changes all at once, when you maybe just completed a transformative phase of your Life and now want and feel the need for a phase where you can allow a more relaxed pondering and integration of learnings.
And it's not only that, but we may not do quantum jumping every hour of every day. In the meantime our progress shall continue until the next jump.
When you are in the frame of mind to go all in, to disrupt the routine of your Life that you feel is not serving you best, when you really start to feel like you want to break the ceiling with certain goals, when you don't want to wait, when you want and feel ready for a greater transformation now, then you've probably built up energy and focus for a quantum leap.
Since, #freedomofchoice is one of my Core Values, I will recommend to weigh your options, not discarding one or the other. Only if you want to.
To complement our pondering, I'm sharing in conclusion a few more quotes from Price Pritchett's book You2. He actually called it a handbook in an interview, which may be even more appropriate: I'd also look at this as a well worded summary of useful guiding points for our mindset. Whenever we need a reminder, we can have a look at these 44 pages and remember what we already know or gain a new insight, because our Mind evolved further since we last looked.
Enjoy the Journey and invest into yourself, into your Life by doing this #innerwork!
"A quantum leap, by definition, means moving into unchartered territory with no guide to follow. You personally draw the map as you go."
"If you want to make a quantum leap, quit thinking about trying harder. More effort isn’t the answer."
"The time to start is now. you2 can only occur in the present."

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Feel free to utilise the Self-assessment section on the website.
Stay inspired and keep enjoying the Journey as well as the Destination,
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